Daniel And The Lions Den – A Story Of Consistent Prayer
There’s a timeless story that reminds us of the power of unwavering faith and the importance of consistent prayer. What many assume is just a fable, is found in the book of Daniel, chapter 6, and offers profound insights for our modern lives.
Picture this: An elderly man, somewhere between 70 and 80 years old, faces a life-threatening situation. He’s been faithful to his God for decades, serving in high positions within foreign governments. Despite political intrigue and corruption around him, he’s maintained his integrity. This man is Daniel, and his story is more than just a children’s tale about lions and angels.
Daniel lived in a time of political upheaval. The Babylonian empire had fallen to the Medes and Persians in an almost bloodless coup. The new king, Darius, appointed 120 high-level administrators, with three overseers above them. Daniel was one of these three and was so exceptional that the king planned to put him in charge of the entire kingdom.
This promotion stirred jealousy among Daniel’s peers. They sought to find fault in him but could not. Daniel was trustworthy, neither corrupt nor negligent. His opponents realized the only way to bring him down was through his faith.
They manipulated the king into signing a decree that for 30 days, anyone who prayed to any god or man except the king would be thrown into the lions’ den. This wasn’t just a random punishment; it was a calculated move in a culture where exotic animals symbolized power and were kept near the palace.
When Daniel learned of the decree, he didn’t change his habits. He continued to pray three times a day, facing Jerusalem, just as he had always done. This wasn’t a show of defiance but a demonstration of unwavering faith. Daniel’s prayer life wasn’t reactionary; it was foundational to who he was.
Daniel’s prayer life challenges us to examine our own prayer lives. Do we only turn to God in times of crisis, or is prayer a consistent part of our daily routine? Daniel’s example encourages us to develop a habit of regular communication with God, not waiting for trouble to arise before we seek Him.
The beauty of Daniel’s prayer life was its simplicity and consistency. He didn’t need elaborate words or perfect feelings. He simply showed up, day after day, to commune with his God. This practice sustained him through decades of service in foreign lands and ultimately prepared him for the greatest test of his faith.
When Daniel was thrown into the lions’ den, his consistent prayer life had already prepared him for this moment. He trusted in God’s protection, not because of a sudden surge of faith, but because of a lifetime of experiencing God’s faithfulness.
The story doesn’t end with Daniel’s deliverance. King Darius, impressed by Daniel’s God, issues a decree praising the “living God” who endures forever, whose kingdom will not be destroyed, and whose dominion will never end. This pagan king recognizes the power of Daniel’s God, all because of one man’s unwavering faith and consistent prayer life.
This ancient tale holds profound lessons for us today:
- Integrity matters: Daniel’s life was so above reproach that his enemies could find no fault in him. In a world of corruption and compromise, we’re called to live lives of integrity, regardless of our circumstances.
- Consistency in prayer is key: Daniel’s prayer life wasn’t based on feelings or circumstances. It was a disciplined habit that sustained him through good times and bad.
- Faith prepares us for challenges: When the lions’ den came, Daniel was ready. His lifetime of trusting God had prepared him for this moment.
- Our faith can impact others: Daniel’s faithfulness not only saved his life but also led a pagan king to acknowledge the power of the living God.
So, how can we apply these lessons to our lives? Start by establishing a consistent prayer routine. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Set reminders on your phone for morning, noon, and evening prayers. Begin with simple prayers, perhaps using the Psalms as a guide. Don’t worry about having the perfect words; God is more interested in your presence than your eloquence.
Remember, prayer is not about impressing God or others. It’s about building a relationship with the Creator of the universe. Just as you would talk to a friend, share your thoughts, fears, joys, and concerns with God. As you develop this habit, you’ll find that prayer becomes less of a duty and more of a lifeline.
When you fall out of habit, or never start one, it’s easy to neglect our spiritual lives. We often find ourselves reacting to crises rather than proactively building our faith. Daniel’s story challenges us to be “prayed up” before the challenges come. It invites us to develop a faith that’s not based on circumstances but on a deep, abiding relationship with the living God.
As we reflect on this ancient story, let’s ask ourselves: What’s standing between us and a vibrant prayer life? Unlike Daniel, we’re not facing lions. Often, our biggest obstacles are our own distractions and misplaced priorities. What would happen if we committed to prioritizing prayer in our lives, just as Daniel did?
The invitation is clear: to develop a faith that’s steadfast, a prayer life that’s consistent, and a relationship with God that can withstand any challenge. Like Daniel, we can become people of integrity, whose lives point others to the living God. It all starts with a simple decision to show up, day after day, in the presence of our Creator.
Here’s a 5-day Bible reading plan and devotional guide for your week:
Day 1: Unwavering Faith in the Face of Adversity
Reading: Daniel 6:1-10
Devotional: Daniel’s unwavering faith in the face of adversity is a powerful example for us today. Despite knowing the consequences, he continued his practice of praying three times a day. This reminds us that our relationship with God should be our highest priority, regardless of circumstances or potential persecution. Today, reflect on areas in your life where you might be compromising your faith due to fear or societal pressure. Ask God for the courage to stand firm, like Daniel, even when facing your own “lion’s den.”
Day 2: The Power of Consistent Prayer
Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Colossians 4:2
Devotional: Daniel’s habit of praying three times daily wasn’t born out of crisis, but was a long-established practice. This consistency prepared him for the challenges he would face. Today’s readings emphasize the importance of persistent prayer in our lives. Consider establishing a regular prayer routine, perhaps using reminders on your phone, sticky notes or something else. Remember, prayer isn’t about eloquence but about building a relationship with God. Start small if needed, but aim for consistency in seeking God’s presence throughout your day.
Day 3: Integrity in a Corrupt World
Reading: Proverbs 11:3, Titus 2:7-8
Devotional: Daniel’s life was marked by integrity, even in a corrupt government system. He was described as trustworthy, neither corrupt nor negligent. Today’s readings remind us of the importance of integrity in our lives. Reflect on areas where you might be tempted to compromise your values for personal gain or to fit in. Ask God to strengthen your resolve to live with integrity, even when it’s difficult or unpopular. Remember, our witness for Christ is often most powerful when we stand out from the world around us.
Day 4: God’s Sovereignty Over Earthly Powers
Reading: Romans 13:1-7, Daniel 2:20-21
Devotional: The book of Daniel repeatedly demonstrates God’s sovereignty over earthly powers. Today’s readings remind us that while we should respect earthly authorities, our ultimate allegiance is to God. Reflect on how this truth might change your perspective on current events or political situations. Are there areas where you’ve placed too much hope in earthly systems or leaders? Ask God to help you trust in His ultimate authority and to find peace in His sovereignty, regardless of who holds earthly power.
Day 5: Trusting God in the “Lion’s Den”
Reading: Psalm 34:17-19, 2 Corinthians 1:8-11
Devotional: Daniel’s trust in God didn’t waver, even when he was thrown into the lion’s den. Today’s readings remind us that God is faithful to deliver us in times of trouble, though His deliverance may not always look like we expect. Reflect on your current “lion’s den” – what situation are you facing that requires deep trust in God? Take time to pray, surrendering your fears and concerns to God. Remember Daniel’s example of praying before, during, and after his trial. Ask God to strengthen your faith and help you trust Him completely, knowing that He is with you even in the darkest moments.

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